Friday, June 18, 2010

Not giving up yet

Today was clean up the garden day.  We've had so much rain in the last few days, a lot of leaves and small branches were in the yard.  Moved all the containers and raked it up.  Then I sprayed a bug killer near the side of the cottage.  Let it dry before putting the containers back.  I saw a beetle just sitting on a cherry tomato leaf watching me work. The nerve! I'm sure it looked comical when I chased it down. He managed to get away. I'll be keeping a diligent eye out for him.

Crookneck Squash
I replanted the squash, zucchini and cucumbers from starter plants.  I have them in different parts of the garden so I hope that makes a difference.

Cleaned up my yellow wax beans as the foliage was looking terrible. Some of the leaves were yellow with holes. I harvested what I could, even some that were not ready yet. I still have some flowers and beans on them but it's looking sparce.  They are supposed to be bush beans but mine aren't bushy. I added a few more beans to the soil and supports so the leaves and stems don't hang over the pot brushing the ground. The banana peppers are doing well.

White eggplant

My white eggplant is growing nicely.  More beautiful flowers are blooming. Those look yummy.

Bell Pepper

Finally have flowers on the petite bell peppers.

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