Sunday, August 8, 2010

White Eggplant

I've learned that if the eggplant starts turning yellow then it's past ripe and will be bitter. I figured that out on the first 4. The last 2 came out tasting great. Because I have 3 plants in one container, the size of the eggplants are maybe 3 1/2 to 4 inches. Not very big so next time I'll do one plant in a container. Plenty of flowers that are producing eggplant. I have at least 6 with more forming.

This morning I started the bambino eggplant from seed.   It's supposed to be great for containers.

The tomato saga

This husky cherry red that I planted in July is doing good.

One the right is the BHN 602 and it was doing poorly. It
only produced 4 tomatoes. Because the leaves were diseased I cut back all the way to the first stem where the suckers were growing. It does seem to be growing okay and the rain today helped.

This is the sweet 100 cherry tomato in the Topsy Turvey. The stems were very long and it wasn't producing fruit. The leaves were showed black dots on this so I cut this one back as well. You can see the strawberries that I'm trying.

I've been hearing from other people that their tomatoes aren't doing well either. I don't know if it is from the heat or just a bad tomato year. I hope it's just the heat and that it will do better when it cools off.

Speaking of peppers...

I have picked so many sweet banana peppers from this planter. You can barely make out the Topsy Turvey.  Only a few showing on this one because I picked them already. I did repot the single one to a larger container. We had a storm go thru last week and it kept knocking it over.  I hope the plant said "Ahh more room to spread out my roots!" 

The petite bell peppers are doing well and I usually have to pick them every couple of days.  This one was repotted in a larger container as well.  I am learning!

Hot Peppers

So I am not a hot pepper fan because the hot stuff hurts. I decided to try them as I seem to have a knack growing peppers and I'm sure I can give these away with no problem.  I do like the Topsy Turvey for hot peppers.  It works.  On this one I planted two chili red hot peppers and two jalapenos. I probably should have done 3 each.

The jalapenos already started flowering and have one pepper starting. I like the way the stems grow up along the container.

The chili reds haven't flowered yet but I'm sure it will be soon.  This container is in partial shade but I can rotate it for full sun.

Sugar Baby Watermelon

I couldn't resist.  This is a small watermelon that is supposed to get up to 8-10 lbs. which seems perfect for containers.  I think mine will be smaller than that but that's okay.  It should be in full sun but at the time I planted it, I still had squash and zucchini growing (not anymore) and didn't want any bugs traveling over. Ha ha, if a bug really wants it, it will travel but so far so good.  

I draped some vines hoping it helps to keep them off the ground.  There are four small ones and a couple the size of a pebble. As they grow I have to figure out a support so it doesn't stress the vine.  They look so cute.

4th time the charm?

So the cucumbers still evade me.  The third one died.  The cute little cukes that did grow, around five total that was about half inch to one inch long, yellowed and died.  There was one day that I did not get a chance to water. Well that must have sealed it's fate.  It was also looking like the leaves were getting scorched. It's been so hot here in Florida. I do have some netting that I may use to give it partial shade and maybe it will protect it from pesky bugs.

This time I planted in a five gallon bucket as the previous containers were too small. I hope this makes a difference.  I will add mulch to the top so it doesn't dry out as fast.